Secretaries general and heads of departments in the public sector are reminded to take seriously all remarks made in the Auditor-General’s Report involving their respective ministries and agencies in an effort to reduce wastages, leakages and abuse of power.
Police have recorded statements of 10 individuals to assist in the investigations regarding the fake Facebook accounts – “Harapan Malaysia” and “Friends of Anwar Ibrahim” – that were used to spread allegations against public service officers.
Kenyataan media bertajuk ‘Siasatan ke atas Datuk Dr Zulkapli Mohamed, Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam’ semalam yang didakwa dikeluarkan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim adalah palsu.
Today, the ruins struggle to tell the story of a bygone era and honour the legacy and sacrifices of French missionaries and Catholic migrants who built their lives around it