Instead, Beasley is fielding Asia's champion, Nurul Izzah Izzati Asri, along with several regular cyclists such as Shah Firdaus Sahrom, Fadhil Zonis, and Ridhwan Sahrom in the men's category.
The 36-year-old posted on Facebook that he also suffered pain during the race due to his ailment but continued to persevere until it led him to the gold medal in the men’s keirin event at the Nations Cup, which is a platform to collect qualifying points for the 2024 Paris Olympics in July.
National track cyclist Azizulhasni Awang has won gold in his pet keirin event at the Adelaide leg of the International Cycling Union’s Nations Cup today.
Tun Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat laments misinterpretations of faith that distort justice in high-profile rulings, cites Indira Gandhi and Nik Elin Zurina cases