Tun Zaki Azmi

Why create new laws when existing ones are underutilised, asks former chief justice

Tun Zaki Azmi highlights the importance of exploring broader legal frameworks rather than rushing to draft new leglislation

Speak your mind on royal institution, but don’t disrespect it: former chief justice 

Tun Zaki Azmi stresses the importance of protecting the monarchy while allowing public discourse on sensitive issues

Rakyat patut dibenarkan suara pandangan, namun jangan sampai tidak hormat institusi diraja

Zaki turut bersetuju bahawa institusi diraja harus dilindungi namun bukan melindungi individu tertentu

‘Platform media sosial sangat berkuasa, undang-undang lama tidak lindungi kita lagi’ kata bekas hakim

Pelesenan media sosial yang akan dikuatkuasakan negara wajar memastikan penggunaan budi bicara dalam menangani sesuatu isu berbangkit


DBKL slices up Havoc Food Festival in Setapak as traffic complaints boil over

Nik Nazmi steps in after residents complain of congestion, authorities shut down unlicensed event

In latest book ‘Saving the Planet’, Nik Nazmi makes urgent call for climate action

New book offers a Malaysian perspective on the global environmental crisis, highlighting economic and social stakes of climate change

Sports budget allocation: is popularity winning over performance in 2025 funding?

As RM15 million goes to football and RM20 million to e-sports, critics question whether funding priorities reflect merit or strong networks in Malaysian sports