Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat

Mahkamah Syariah, undang-undang Islam tidak akan terkubur – Ketua Hakim Negara

Kes dua wanita Islam yang mencabar isu perlembagaan bagi membatalkan 18 peruntukan kesalahan di bawah Enakmen Kanun Jenayah Syariah (1) Kelantan 2019 tiada kena-mengena dengan kedudukan Islam atau Mahkamah Syariah di negara ini

AG has the power to grant partial or full acquittal, not courts, says Tengku Maimun

Chief Justice Tun Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat said that the authority to grant full or partial acquittal to individuals charged with criminal offences rests with the attorney-general, and not the courts.

Moves to influence judiciary mar public confidence, says chief justice

Chief Justice Tun Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat has emphasised that any attempt to externally influence the judiciary or undermine public confidence in the authority is an aberration to the rule of law.

Testimonies of absent human trafficking victims admissible, no violation of accused’s rights: Federal Court

Affidavits by human trafficking victims who are no longer in the country are admissible as court evidence, the Federal Court has ruled.

Mahkamah Persekutuan mansuh undang-undang berkaitan goda isteri orang

Mahkamah Persekutuan di sini hari ini memansuhkan Seksyen 498 Kanun Keseksaan yang berkaitan menjenayahkan perbuatan lelaki yang menggoda isteri orang, kerana ia tidak berperlembagaan.


Punk venue Rumah Api faces relocation amid financial struggles, festival fallout

After eight years of operating on the top floor of Menara MPAJ in Ampang Jaya, local punk music venue Rumah Api will be relocating later this year due to increased rental and related arrears that accumulated during the Covid-19 pandemic.

China’s rising 17-year-old badminton star, Zhang Zhijie, dead after collapsing on court

He was participating in the ongoing Asian Junior Badminton Championships in Indonesia

Saya juga manusia, punya hati: Ning Baizura sedih, terguris diri digelar Kristian, keluarga dikritik

Jelas Ning, beliau kecewa kerana daripada satu perkara kecil, ia diperbesarkan segelintir netizen, termasuk menyerang Instagramnya dengan kata-kata hinaan