subsidy rationalisation

40% drop in border area diesel sales proof of prior subsidy abuse, leakages: Fuziah

Deputy minister reiterated that rationalisation is meant to curb leakages, ensure spending cuts benefit Malaysians

Anwar stresses need for continued diesel subsidy rationalisation as Singapore tour costs surge

PM highlights that Malaysian subsidies have been benefiting foreign entities, including travel agencies,Thai fishing boats, underscoring need to curb leakages

‘Previous PMs agreed with targeted subsidies too, but none had the political will’

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim says it is done to save Malaysia despite being unpopular

Increased Rahmah aid if subsidy rationalisation affects M’sians: Anwar

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim provided assurances last night that the Rahmah Cash Aid (STR) aid would be increased to cover Malaysians if the subsidy rationalisation affects the people, especially the poor.

Budget 2024 debate zeroes in on subsidy rationalisation

The proposed implementation of the diesel subsidy rationalisation as announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during the tabling of Budget 2024 last October 13 was among the focus of MPs when debating the supply bill in the Dewan Rakyat today.


Mamak restaurants’ group to sue TikTok user for defaming industry

The Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners’ Association (Presma) will proceed with suing a TikTok user for making defamatory claims about food preparation and cleanliness at mamak restaurants.

Influencer who recited Quran at Batu Caves accused of sexual misconduct in Netherlands

Abdellatif Ouisa has targeted recently converted, underage Muslim women, alleges Dutch publication

Nak jadi influencer kena ada ilmu, karier tidak kekal kerana populariti boleh lenyap ditelan zaman

Menurut Ryzal Ibrahim, pendidikan sangat penting kerana ia akan membentuk keperibadian seseorang tanpa mengira apa jua bidang pekerjaan yang diceburi