subsidised petrol

Petrol dealers group repeats call for laws to punish foreign-registered vehicle drivers buying subsidised fuel

Currently, the burden falls on local dealers, while foreign vehicle owners go unpunished

Melaka petrol station raided, may face up to RM1 mil fine for selling RON95 to foreigner

This comes after video of non-Malaysian-registered car pulled up to refuel with subsidised petrol at its premises


Islam larang tegur raja, pemerintah tanpa adab, taat setia bukan perkara main-main: Mimbar

Taat setia kepada raja, pemerintah, pemimpin dan ketua harus ditunjukkan sebaik mungkin, malah bukan perkara main-main yang boleh dipandang sebelah mata.

Mamak restaurants’ group to sue TikTok user for defaming industry

The Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners’ Association (Presma) will proceed with suing a TikTok user for making defamatory claims about food preparation and cleanliness at mamak restaurants.

Private sector in the dark over govt’s drug decriminalisation plans, say experts

Health professionals urge broader engagement with relevant stakeholders ahead of reforms to decriminalise drug use to ensure effective implementation of initiative