After being accused of extravagant spending during recent polls, Muda has revealed it spent only about RM45,000 per seat for the 19 seats it contested during the six state elections in August.
Nonetheless, Ilham Centre explained that the results were influenced by feedback from respondents in Perikatan Nasional (PN)-led states, where their level of satisfaction towards Anwar was significantly lower.
The Pakatan Harapan-Barisan Nasional coalition has managed to maintain its hold on the popular vote at 3,399,472 (49.58%), despite notable advances made by Perikatan Nasional in key states during the recent polls.
Newly-minted Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor will be called in to provide a statement after he displayed his marked ballot paper after voting last Saturday.
Purchase of Duck's holding company which appears to be owned wholly by Datin Vivy Yusof and husband Datuk Fadzarudin Shah Anuar was made same year GLICs invested RM47 mil