SKDS 2.0

[UPDATED] SKDS 2.0: refund applications for diesel purchases open from July 1

This open to applicants who own logistics vehicles but yet to receive fleet cards

Bukit Gasing rep offers help with registration for diesel subsidies

Some people do not know how to apply online under SKDS, says Rajiv Rishyakaran

Interim refund mechanism to reimburse diesel price difference for eligible owners

The mechanism will reimburse the difference between RM3.35 per litre retail price and SKDS 2.0 price of RM2.15 per litre

Targeted diesel subsidy: express, school bus operators should not raise fares, says Loke

Minister says these bus operators still receive subsidies via diesel fleet cards under SKDS 2.0

Fleet card limit based on volume of diesel purchase, not value: Finance Ministry

Further details on the limits of the fleet card will be announced by the second finance minister at a later date


Islam larang tegur raja, pemerintah tanpa adab, taat setia bukan perkara main-main: Mimbar

Taat setia kepada raja, pemerintah, pemimpin dan ketua harus ditunjukkan sebaik mungkin, malah bukan perkara main-main yang boleh dipandang sebelah mata.

Mamak restaurants’ group to sue TikTok user for defaming industry

The Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners’ Association (Presma) will proceed with suing a TikTok user for making defamatory claims about food preparation and cleanliness at mamak restaurants.

Why is Hamidin being blamed for recent sports controversies?

As FAM president, OCM deputy president, among other posts, he has received outsized criticism for matters out of his jurisdiction