Paul Yong Choo Kiong

Paul Yong files appeal against appellate court’s decision upholding his rape conviction

Former Tronoh assemblyman Paul Yong Choo Kiong has filed an appeal in the Federal Court against the Court of Appeal's decision upholding his conviction for raping his maid five years ago.

Appellate court maintains ex-Tronoh assemblyman’s rape conviction

The appellate court has upheld former Tronoh assemblyman Paul Yong Choo Kiong's guilty verdict for raping his maid. The majority decision, delivered by Datuk Azman Abdullah this morning, maintained the high court's conviction of Yong in 2022.

Decision on ex-Tronoh assemblyman’s appeal against rape conviction on March 1

The Court of Appeal here today fixed March 1 to decide on former Tronoh assemblyman Paul Yong Choo Kiong's appeal against his conviction and sentence of 13 years in jail and two strokes of the cane for raping his maid.

Hisyam Teh leads defence team in ex-Tronoh assemblyman’s bid to overturn rape conviction

Senior lawyer Datuk Hisyam Teh Poh Teik will be the lead counsel for former Tronoh assemblyman Paul Yong Choo Kiong’s appeal against his conviction, 13 years’ jail and two strokes of the cane for raping his maid in 2019.


Tambang bas sekolah: ‘cukup sekadar RM5 hingga RM10’ kata persatuan

Persatuan merasakan lebih rasional dan bertimbang rasa untuk menaikkan tambang sebanyak RM5 hingga RM10 maksimum, tidak boleh lebih daripada itu

Public urges govt to regulate private healthcare costs, insurance hikes

Calls for stricter oversight as patients recount overcharging, unnecessary procedures, and medical negligence in private hospitals

EPF investment assets at RM1.25 trillion, 63% invested domestically

Domestic investments yielded RM37.02 billion, or 49.7%, of total investment income, while global assets generated RM37.44 billion income