patriotic song

‘It’s like wow, but I feel like laughing’: Netizens poke fun at DAP’s patriotic song cover 

Commenting on the video, one Twitter user by the name of @tariqqq_ implied that while he is impressed by the video, the vocal performance leaves much to be desired. 


Gobind’s neutrality, party support rocketed him to DAP chairmanship: analysts

Observers said his non-allegiance to either pro- or anti-Lim Guan Eng factions may have helped him secure the chairmanship

Tampar lelaki bukan Islam makan ketika Ramadan adalah provokasi, tidak cermin perpaduan: Aaron

Menteri Perpaduan Negara berkata kes itu kini disiasat di bawah Seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan

Fahmi to contest PKR vice-president post

Communications Minister is fifth leader to announce bid for the post