
Para-athletes have no problem winning medals, but what about the future?

Once again, Malaysia’s para-athletes have made the country proud by exceeding their medal target at the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Para Games.

Funding disparity despite international triumphs concerns Paralympic Council

The Paralympic Council of Malaysia has expressed its scepticism regarding the government’s commitment to developing para-athletes, as it believes that the allocated budget of RM12 million for 2024 is insufficient.

M’sian Paralympic Council wants BAM to ‘wake up’ on para-badminton talent

The Malaysian Paralympic Council has urged the Badminton Association of Malaysia to "wake up" and seriously look into the development of para-badminton players for the council.

Malaysia Paralympic Council hopes for more funding to support para-athletes

The council’s response comes after the government announced an allocation of RM12 million to the National Sports Council for training and development programmes aimed at supporting Malaysia’s para-athletes in international sporting events. 

Malaysian Paralympic Council initiates Special Education Sports School

The Malaysian Paralympic Council is committed to working closely with the Education Ministry to establish a Special Education Sports School in Bandar Enstek, Nilai, Negri Sembilan.


Mamak restaurants’ group to sue TikTok user for defaming industry

The Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners’ Association (Presma) will proceed with suing a TikTok user for making defamatory claims about food preparation and cleanliness at mamak restaurants.

IS launched ‘official’ Malay media group with IED drone manual, firm warns

An international security think tank has warned of the Islamic State terrorist group's latest tactic to expand its influence in Malaysia.  

Leaders bicker while Indians suffer, Santiago slams fellow politicians

Veteran DAP man says angry politicians uncaring for the plight of Indians are the reason why some problems remain unresolved over decades