Speaking to Scoop, Datuk Seri Rajan Navaratnam said that the parties who wish to initiate a judicial review against the board must first prove that they have a locus standi (legal standing).
The Malaysian Bar has been accused of being “one-sided” and causing “confusion” over its move to challenge the Pardons Board’s decision to commute ex-prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s jail sentence and fine.
Former Malaysian Bar president Zainur Zakaria has proposed that the legal body discuss the Pardons Board having acted “ultra vires” under Article 42 of the Federal Constitution when it reduced Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s sentence.
Tun Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat laments misinterpretations of faith that distort justice in high-profile rulings, cites Indira Gandhi and Nik Elin Zurina cases