MyEG has announced today that the online renewal of work passes – the temporary employment visit pass (PLKS) – for migrant workers will resume on January 15.
MyEG said the two companies each received an appointment letter from RTD today to confirm that both are the “collection agents for the provision of vehicle registration services, driver and vehicle licensing and electronic payment of summon services for a three-year period.”
My E.G. Services Bhd (MyEG) has been granted an extension by the Home Ministry for its immigration-related services for two years, and the extension's total estimated value will depend on the number of transactions performed over this period.
The government’s electronic services provider, MY E.G. Services Bhd, should immediately return monies to foreign workers’ employers it had “misled”, urged Khoo Poay Tiong (Kota Melaka-PH).
As social media becomes increasingly popular, criminology expert notes its ‘dark side’ which exposes people to several crimes and vouches for regulation
Isu kesihatan mental yang cuba diangkat dalam drama bersiri Lelaki Itu antara faktor utama artis versatil, Che Puan Sarimah Ibrahim bersetuju membawakan watak sebagai Sharifah Qaidah.