Semua agensi di bawah kelolaan Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Hal Ehwal Agama) termasuk Pejabat Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan diminta memantau dan menghentikan penyebaran ajaran sesat Mhd Mohib Khouli Nazem.
Agencies under the management of the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs), including the Office of the Federal Territory Mufti, have been told to monitor and stop the spread of the teachings by Mhd Mohib Khouli Nazem as they deviated from the true teachings of Islam.
Purchase of Duck's holding company which appears to be owned wholly by Datin Vivy Yusof and husband Datuk Fadzarudin Shah Anuar was made same year GLICs invested RM47 mil