Policy is from 2007 by then-cabinet, adding PM wants the national unity, religious affairs minister to meet MCCBCHST to clear the air, communications minister clarifies
The government will be guilty of “sin” if it fails to table the Shariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Act 355) to increase the limits of punishments under Islamic law, Bersatu lawmaker Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal said.
Datuk Mohd Na’im Mokhtar berkata, adalah tidak wajar bagi pihak MCCBCHST beranggapan bahawa pindaan kepada Akta Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) 1965 [Akta 355] sebagai tidak berperlembagaan dan bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan
Responding to Scoop, industry giant said it aims to become ‘operationally focused, commercially agile and cost-efficient’, but did not clarify if it is linked to Petros deal