Malaysian Open Athletics Championship

Azeem upholds father’s guidance, gifts shoes in appreciation of fans in Kuantan

Despite just falling short of his target, sprinter expressed thanks to supporters who turned out to cheer him on

Azeem falls short of 10.25s target despite Malaysia Open victory

Sprinter cites physical fatigue from extensive travel prior to championship as factor affecting his performance in final race

Rizzua’s sacrifice pays off with stunning gold medal victory

110m hurdles sprinter celebrates significant win at Malaysian Open, with new personal best of 14.08 seconds

Sprinter Umar’s dream of joining Azeem in Auburn still burns bright

Despite academic and registration setbacks, the runner is focused on success at this weekend’s Malaysian Open

Gold medal no longer Latif’s primary goal as he aims for world record in Paris Paralympics

Champion para long jumper is focused on going the distance, improving his jumping technique to break the record


Mamak restaurants’ group to sue TikTok user for defaming industry

The Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners’ Association (Presma) will proceed with suing a TikTok user for making defamatory claims about food preparation and cleanliness at mamak restaurants.

Influencer who recited Quran at Batu Caves accused of sexual misconduct in Netherlands

Abdellatif Ouisa has targeted recently converted, underage Muslim women, alleges Dutch publication

Nak jadi influencer kena ada ilmu, karier tidak kekal kerana populariti boleh lenyap ditelan zaman

Menurut Ryzal Ibrahim, pendidikan sangat penting kerana ia akan membentuk keperibadian seseorang tanpa mengira apa jua bidang pekerjaan yang diceburi