makan tok kenali

Zikir di Makam Tok Kenali: Kumpulan terhenjut-henjut tu orang luar, bukan Kelantan

Ahli Jawatankuasa Dewan Ulama PAS kawasan Machang, Abu Luthfi Al-Riauwi berkata kumpulan yang melakukan zikir secara luar biasa di Makam Tok Kenali, di Kota Bharu, baru-baru ini, bukan berasal dari negeri itu.


Restoring Pagar Tras’ legacy: Malaysia’s ‘Notre Dame’ in the jungle

Today, the ruins struggle to tell the story of a bygone era and honour the legacy and sacrifices of French missionaries and Catholic migrants who built their lives around it

Zamri Vinoth’s kavadi post: MCMC, police start joint probe, statement-taking done

MCMC confirms suspect called in to Padang Besar police HQ, phone confiscated

KBS, PSM ensure concert-free turf ahead of FIH Nations Cup at National Hockey Stadium

Decision aims to protect pitch quality as Malaysia prepares to host international tournament in June