BDS Malaysia says has never called for boycott of KFC

NGO chief says customers snubbing fried chicken franchise mainly due to prices

BDS Malaysia tidak pernah boikot KFC

BDS tidak pernah bekempen kepada rakyat Malaysia untuk memboikot restoran makanan segera itu sebaliknya pelanggan yang merungut dan tidak mahu membeli hidangan KFC kerana mahal

KFC staffer reveals persistent harassment with ‘Murderer’, ‘Israel’ label

Restaurant staff and owners of nearby businesses discuss the repercussions of the boycotts

QSR Holdings sahkan tutup sementara cawangan KFC susulan ‘ekonomi mencabar’

QSR Brands memaklumkan pekerja yang terlibat dengan penutupan sementara itu diberikan peluang untuk ditempatkan di cawangan yang masih beroperasi

Tough times: QSR confirms temporary closure of several KFC outlets due to financial woes

Announcement comes amid report of over 100 outlets being shut, company cites ‘challenging economic conditions’ as reason without going into details


Mamak restaurants’ group to sue TikTok user for defaming industry

The Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners’ Association (Presma) will proceed with suing a TikTok user for making defamatory claims about food preparation and cleanliness at mamak restaurants.

Renewed threat on Vivekananda Ashram – Ravindran Raman Kutty

Brickfields' cultural heritage facing development risk again

We almost didn’t survive: Penampang resident recounts ‘worst flood in decades’

60-year-old describes how tragedy left him and his family devastated after losing nearly everything in their home