Jemaah Islamiyah

Insiden Balai Polis Ulu Tiram: Mohd Hasif dibenar keluar hospital

Ketua Polis Daerah Seri Alam Mohd Sohaimi Ishak berkata Mohd Hasif Roslan, 38, yang dirawat selama sembilan hari di hospital berkenaan diberikan cuti selama dua bulan

Balai polis terpencil, jam 9 malam tutup pagar: Razarudin

Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Razarudin Husain berkata, ia cadangan hasil mesyuarat yang diadakan pihaknya semalam susulan kejadian serangan di Balai Polis Ulu Tiram pada 17 Mei lalu

Five family members of Ulu Tiram attacker arrested under Sosma after remand ends

This after police had earlier remanded seven, with two university students later released

Random or planned? Police probing for links in recent attacks, says Saifuddin

This amid security incidents involving police stations, Istana Negara, death threat to MP

Serangan Ulu Tiram: Hanya 7 individu direman setakat ini

Ketua Polis Johor, M. Kumar berkata, ketika ini siasatan berhubung kes berkenaan masih lagi dijalankan


China’s rising 17-year-old badminton star, Zhang Zhijie, dead after collapsing on court

He was participating in the ongoing Asian Junior Badminton Championships in Indonesia

Local label Rizman Ruzaini to design Malaysia’s kit for Olympics opening ceremony?

Fashion house has dressed many high-profile figures, including squash icon Datuk Nicol David and top model Naomi Campbell

Poor driver vetting will steer public away from inDrive, says assault victim’s lawyer

Victim has criticised the company’s lack of transparency and slow response, is prepared to take legal action