The proposal to introduce the Malaysia Madani White Rice as the sole category of local rice is illogical if issues surrounding pricing controls for rice and padi are not resolved, the chairman of Muda Agricultural Development Authority Datuk Ismail Salleh said.
Cadangan memperkenalkan Beras Putih Malaysia Madani pada harga RM30 bagi 10 kilogram (kg), hanya satu daripada langkah penyelesaian bagi menangani isu dalam industri padi beras negara.
Concerns over rice supply shortages and industry monopoly can be averted if Padiberas Nasional Bhd (Bernas) fulfils 10 obligations following the government's move to extend its concession for the distribution of the staple food until 2031.
Isu monopoli industri padi dan beras tidak akan timbul sekiranya Padiberas Nasional Bhd (Bernas) dapat memenuhi 10 obligasi selepas konsesinya bagi pengedaran makanan ruji itu disambung kerajaan sehingga 2031.
The Former Malaysian ambassador to the US brushed off criticism over his appearance at a Trump rally, reveals plans to support PM Anwar in next election