HGHV sektor pertanian: Jamin keterjaminan makanan negara, realisasi matlamat RMK12

Inisiatif pertumbuhan dan nilai tinggi (HGHV) bagi sektor industri pertanian menerusi Kajian Separuh Penggal Rancangan Malaysia Ke-12 (KSP RMK12) adalah antara usaha kerajaan dalam menangani isu keterjaminan makanan negara


[UPDATED] AGC requests high court for gag order on public discussion of Najib’s addendum case 

Attorney-General’s Chambers also does not want lawyers to hold watching briefs on hearings for the opposition

Top Ismail Sabri aides arrested over money laundering, graft probe: Azam Baki

Sources said that multiple cases are under investigation, including the alleged misuse of RM700 million

App overload headache? Maybe one govt super app is the cure – A. Azim Idris

With an overload of apps for every service, it's time to consolidate and simplify – from health updates to flood warnings, a unified platform could transform the user experience