Hasli Ikhwan Arif Zul Hasli, 32, Norhidayah Mahadi, 24, dan Norshazrina Md Zamri, 27, bagaimanapun mengaku tidak bersalah selepas pertuduhan dibacakan serentak di hadapan Majistret Nurul Izzah Shaharuddin.
The six women recently arrested over the controversy surrounding a local man nicknamed “Hot Daddy” are being slapped with charges of promoting sexual content online.
According to the charge sheet, Hasli Ikhwan Arif Zul Hasli, along with Norhidayah Mahadi, 24, and Norshazrina Md Zamri, 27, were jointly charged with promoting prostitution services on X under the @HOTDADDYYXX profile.
Responding to Scoop, industry giant said it aims to become ‘operationally focused, commercially agile and cost-efficient’, but did not clarify if it is linked to Petros deal