
One million GrabRewards, a year’s worth of GrabFood awaits Olympics, Paralympics medallists

Company the latest to step in with lucrative prizes for Malaysia’s podium sitters at Paris 2024

‘Road to Putrajaya 10,000’: Hanya 50 penunggang p-hailing muncul di Kementerian Pengangkutan

Protes itu diadakan di Kementerian Pengangkutan hari ini meskipun pertubuhan yang mewakili mereka telah mengadakan pertemuan dengan Kementerian Sumber Manusia, bulan lepas

Majority of Grab p-hailing riders say no to today’s ‘blackout’

Although a handful of p-hailing riders are participating in a “blackout” today to demand better fares, Grab Malaysia has already revised its slew of benefits, including the revenue and incentive structure. 

12 hours on the road no guarantee for liveable wages, say several food delivery riders

Long working hours and cut-throat remuneration structure have been a bane for food delivery riders recently with some considering to leave their current service platform for another – or find a new job altogether.

Lebih 12 jam di atas jalan tidak jamin pendapatan mencukupi, demikian pandangan sebahagian penghantar makanan

Waktu kerja yang panjang dan pendapatan yang tidak terjamin menjadi halangan kepada penghantar makanan kebelakangan ini dengan sebahagiannya mempertimbangkan untuk bertukar kepada platform lain atau – mencari kerja baharu.


Petronas staff to be shown the door to make up losses from Petros deal?

Source claims national O&G firm is expected to see 30% revenue loss once agreed formula for natural gas distribution in Sarawak is implemented

New MM2H rules: reduced deposits and age limits for special economic zone applicants

They must only be 21 years old, deposit US$65,000 in Malaysian bank, half of which can be withdrawn under certain conditions after approval

MCMC recorded nearly 9,500 reports on cyberbullying in the last three years

Online scams are just behind with 9,321 complaints; 143 reports on child sexual content