federal government

Want a future in politics after stepping down as CM? Stay on as MP longer, analyst tells Chow

Penang chief minister could be considered for a ministerial role given his technocratic background and non-controversial nature

Petronas, Petros are partners, national oil company’s existing contracts not affected: Anwar

Prime Minister outlines for the first time points of agreement reached between Putrajaya and Kuching

Chow isn’t done yet: Penang CM hints at continuing political career, open to other roles

The DAP man indicated that other opportunities remain for him to serve in different capacities, including at the federal level, but party will decide

‘Johor doesn’t belong to Malaysia, treat us like a partner,’ TMJ tells Putrajaya

Regent urges federal government to let state keep 20% to 30% of its tax revenue for own development

Why is there a monopoly of rice in Malaysia ? — Remy Majangkim

Before the formation of Malaysia, rice was basically state affairs, but as times went on, the rice industry in Malaysia was hijacked by the federal government as it saw fit and included in a federal act that ultimately disbanded the Sabah Padi Board, paving the way for a capitalist corporation to have a complete monopoly.


Gobind’s neutrality, party support rocketed him to DAP chairmanship: analysts

Observers said his non-allegiance to either pro- or anti-Lim Guan Eng factions may have helped him secure the chairmanship

Tampar lelaki bukan Islam makan ketika Ramadan adalah provokasi, tidak cermin perpaduan: Aaron

Menteri Perpaduan Negara berkata kes itu kini disiasat di bawah Seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan

Duterte arrested: Former Philippine leader taken into custody over ICC warrant

Ex-president detained at Manila airport as global tribunal pursues justice for thousands killed in drug war