Edisi siasat

Cops investigate Edisi Siasat probe leak on Zayn Rayyan’s murder under Official Secrets Act

Selangor top cop says they receive one report from family, one from IO, urges public against sharing content under act

MCMC calls for removal of Zayn Rayyan case leaks from social media

Commission asks TikTok, Telegram to remove these materials, citing concerns about interference with ongoing legal proceedings

Bapa saudara Zayn Rayyan buat laporan polis, minta siasat penyebaran kandungan ‘fitnah’ Edisi Siasat

Laporan tersebut dibuat di balai polis Sungai Buloh kira-kira jam 6.49 petang tadi, keluarga Zayn Rayyan kini tertekan berikutan penyebaran maklumat 'tidak sahih' di media sosial

Zayn Rayyan’s uncle files police report seeking probe into Edisi Siasat’s ‘slander’

Paternal uncle also wants cops to investigate veracity of info in leak, find figure behind it

MCMC, cops to look into Edisi Siasat leak on Zayn Rayyan murder case: Fahmi

Comms minister says action needed to curb speculations, take action on those involved in circulation of investigation document screenshots


Mamak restaurants’ group to sue TikTok user for defaming industry

The Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners’ Association (Presma) will proceed with suing a TikTok user for making defamatory claims about food preparation and cleanliness at mamak restaurants.

Islam larang tegur raja, pemerintah tanpa adab, taat setia bukan perkara main-main: Mimbar

Taat setia kepada raja, pemerintah, pemimpin dan ketua harus ditunjukkan sebaik mungkin, malah bukan perkara main-main yang boleh dipandang sebelah mata.

[UPDATED] Fire breaks out at Genting Highlands theme park building

Fire Dept says blaze at Sky Avenue mall building put out by 7.20pm, no casualties reported