Dr Azizan Abdul Aziz

MMA pushes Health Ministry for stricter rules on food sellers to curb food poisoning

MMA president says poor food preparation cleanliness can lead to fatal consequences, urges consumers to report unhygienic practices

MMA bantah sumbangan kilang arak, syarikat tembakau kepada sekolah

Walaupun sesetengah sekolah mungkin terdesak memerlukan pembiayaan, garis panduan yang jelas mengenai penerimaan sumbangan harus diwujudkan

Halt Drug Dependants Amendment Bill, anti-drug agency officers are not doctors – Azizan Abdul Aziz

Malaysian Medical Association president also says Home Ministry has not consulted it with regards to the bill

Consider shift system or more public healthcare doctors will leave – Dr Azizan Abdul Aziz

Doctors in Malaysia's public healthcare system doing active on-calls (in departments such as medicine, surgery, obstetrics & gynaecology, orthopaedics, paediatrics and anaesthesiology) work an average of between 60 to 84 hours per week depending on manpower resources. 

MMA voices concern on reports of housemen shortage at UMMC

The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) has called on the Health Ministry to explain the shortage of housemen at a teaching hospital here, following a recent report.


DBKL slices up Havoc Food Festival in Setapak as traffic complaints boil over

Nik Nazmi steps in after residents complain of congestion, authorities shut down unlicensed event

In latest book ‘Saving the Planet’, Nik Nazmi makes urgent call for climate action

New book offers a Malaysian perspective on the global environmental crisis, highlighting economic and social stakes of climate change

Sports budget allocation: is popularity winning over performance in 2025 funding?

As RM15 million goes to football and RM20 million to e-sports, critics question whether funding priorities reflect merit or strong networks in Malaysian sports