diesel subsidy

No RON95 subsidy news yet: govt reaffirms focus on targeted diesel subsidies

Government stresses it is stabilising diesel subsidies before moving ahead with the expected implementation of RON95 rationalisation

IMF pressure on Malaysia’s targeted diesel subsidies? Muhyiddin raises concerns

He questions if new subsidy changes mean government plans to borrow from IMF, which often requires countries to cut subsidies

40% drop in border area diesel sales proof of prior subsidy abuse, leakages: Fuziah

Deputy minister reiterated that rationalisation is meant to curb leakages, ensure spending cuts benefit Malaysians

Thai truckers protests govt’s inaction, unaffected by Malaysia’s diesel subsidy

Thai’s land transport federation hopes its govt will take action on demand for diesel price to be capped at 30 baht/litre

Diesel sales at borders, retail segment record substantial drops after rationalised subsidy

Finance Ministry recorded a 40% drop of diesel sales in border areas, reflecting reduced diesel smuggling activities


Mamak restaurants’ group to sue TikTok user for defaming industry

The Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners’ Association (Presma) will proceed with suing a TikTok user for making defamatory claims about food preparation and cleanliness at mamak restaurants.

Influencer who recited Quran at Batu Caves accused of sexual misconduct in Netherlands

Abdellatif Ouisa has targeted recently converted, underage Muslim women, alleges Dutch publication

Nak jadi influencer kena ada ilmu, karier tidak kekal kerana populariti boleh lenyap ditelan zaman

Menurut Ryzal Ibrahim, pendidikan sangat penting kerana ia akan membentuk keperibadian seseorang tanpa mengira apa jua bidang pekerjaan yang diceburi