Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi

Kasino di Forest City: Fitnah liar cuba cemar imej Johor, ulangi persepsi negatif 2018

Cadangan pembinaan kasino di Forest City adalah satu fitnah dan berniat jahat, untuk mencemarkan imej pembangunan hartanah kawasan berkenaan, kata Menteri Besar Johor, Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi.

3 masjid utama bawah Jakim digerakkan sokong kempen #GengsubuhmacamJumaat

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Hal Ehwal Agama) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar berkata kempen itu akan diteruskan di peringkat Persekutuan, bertitik tolak daripada kejayaan kempen berkenaan yang dimulakan selebriti Alif Satar, ditambah pula dengan kejayaan Program Semarak Subuh oleh Kerajaan Negeri Johor

MB Johor kecewa, projek TMIYC patut sudah siap tapi dilanjutkan lagi masa

Menteri Besar Johor, Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi kesal dengan perkembangan Projek Tunku Mahkota Ismail Youth Centre (TMIYC) di Muar yang sudah empat kali mendapat lanjutan masa (EOT) meskipun ia sepatutnya sudah siap pada awal tahun ini

JB checkpoint blackout caused by generator breakdown during TNB maintenance: exco

State Works, Transport and Infrastructure Committee chairman Mohamad Fazli Mohamad Salleh said the complex was receiving electricity supply from a single source and was relying on seven generators for backup, but one of them broke down at about 2am resulting in the power outage.

Johor ready to offer land to federal govt for padi planting purposes

The Johor government is prepared to offer land for padi planting activities to help the federal government overcome the shortage of local white rice (BPT).


Punk venue Rumah Api faces relocation amid financial struggles, festival fallout

After eight years of operating on the top floor of Menara MPAJ in Ampang Jaya, local punk music venue Rumah Api will be relocating later this year due to increased rental and related arrears that accumulated during the Covid-19 pandemic.

China’s rising 17-year-old badminton star, Zhang Zhijie, dead after collapsing on court

He was participating in the ongoing Asian Junior Badminton Championships in Indonesia

Local label Rizman Ruzaini to design Malaysia’s kit for Olympics opening ceremony?

Fashion house has dressed many high-profile figures, including squash icon Datuk Nicol David and top model Naomi Campbell