When most Malaysians are getting some shut-eye before attending the National Day 2023 celebration at Dataran Putrajaya today, bus driver Mohammad Saudi Abd Sahiis is eagerly on the road to ferry passengers to the venue.
"Menjadi tanggungjawab bersama para pemimpin dan rakyat dalam bukan sahaja memelihara dan mengukuhkan lagi keharmonian serta perpaduan yang dikecapi selama ini, malah menyemarakkannya lagi sesama kita,” titah Seri Paduka.
The Jalur Gemilang flew majestically as thousands of people from all walks of life rekindled their spirit of patriotism at Dataran Putrajaya here today to express their love for the nation on the 66th National Day.
Empat sekeluarga sanggup menempuh perjalanan lebih 170 kilometer (km) dari Ipoh, Perak ke Putrajaya hanya untuk merasai sendiri kemeriahan sambutan Hari Kebangsaan 2023 di Dataran Putrajaya di sini hari ini.
BANDAR Sri Damansara is a unique township that is equipped with almost every amenity, including a dynamic post office. We, through the resident’s association, managed to secure this post office in the late 1990s, and our residents have been enjoying the services to date.