Scoop’s checks show My Shadow is Purple and All That’s Left in this World have LGBT-related elements, while Koleksi Puisi Masturbasi by local author Benz Ali has ‘unfiltered’ writing
The Home Ministry will only return the two books it seized from local author Benz Ali’s bookstore in Wisma Central last week if checks find that the materials are not against existing laws.
Naib Ketua PKR Cabang Batu, Rozan Azen Mat Rasip akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap penulis, Amir Hamzah Akal selepas mendakwa difitnah individu terbabit berhubung isu rampasan bukunya oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN)
Legal rights advocacy group Lawyers for Liberty has claimed that the raid and seizure of local author Benz Ali’s bookstore in Wisma Central here several days ago was unlawful, ignorant, and an embarrassment.