Bajau Laut

‘Sedition Act should not be used to shut my mouth,’ says activist Mukmin Nantang

NGO founder is under investigation for statements, social media posts on recent evictions of Bajau Laut in Sabah

Eight students arrested at Kota Kinabalu water rally released after eight days in custody: NGO

Borneo Komrad rep says the Sekolah Alternatif students, arrested on June 14, were freed around 7pm today after being bailed out

Sabah’s Bajau Laut make for poor spies, says Filipino NGO

State government destroys Bajau Laut homes seems to sweep away problems, Malaysia should look them as indigenous despite being stateless, says United Sama Badjao Association secretary

[UPDATED] If not there, then where? NGOs condemn destruction of Bajau Laut homes

In presser addressing community’s plight, Lawyers for Liberty slams govt’s inaction over stateless status, while Mandiri Borneo, Borneo Komrad and Liga Demokratik Rakyat call for evictions to stop

RM478-mil project in Semporna to start once squatters resettled, says Sabah DCM

21-ac development in Kg Air aimed at meeting tourism demand, says Datuk Seri Dr Joachim Gunsalam


Mamak restaurants’ group to sue TikTok user for defaming industry

The Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners’ Association (Presma) will proceed with suing a TikTok user for making defamatory claims about food preparation and cleanliness at mamak restaurants.

Influencer who recited Quran at Batu Caves accused of sexual misconduct in Netherlands

Abdellatif Ouisa has targeted recently converted, underage Muslim women, alleges Dutch publication

Nak jadi influencer kena ada ilmu, karier tidak kekal kerana populariti boleh lenyap ditelan zaman

Menurut Ryzal Ibrahim, pendidikan sangat penting kerana ia akan membentuk keperibadian seseorang tanpa mengira apa jua bidang pekerjaan yang diceburi