Ahirudin Attan

Targeted fuel subsidies a win for social equity, environmental conservation: Nik Nazmi

In a Trick Lama podcast episode, minister says subsidy rationalisation policies attract investments from ‘green’ nations, opportunity for Malaysia to be at forefront of green revolution

Bukan ‘negara polis’: Polis, menteri tidak berhak paksa media hapus artikel, kata Rocky Bru

Datuk Ahirudin Attan menegaskan, walaupun polis boleh meminta kerjasama media untuk membuat perubahan dan pemeriksaan fakta terhadap laporan diterbitkan, media beroperasi berdasarkan prinsipnya sendiri

Not a police state: cops, ministers cannot force media to remove articles, says Rocky Bru

Veteran newsman says editors should not be intimidated, should resign if they yield to such requests

Memperluaskan PPPA kepada media dalam talian? Jangan harap kami sokong: Rocky Bru

Datuk Ahirudin Attan yang lebih dikenali sebagai Rocky Bru, menegaskan langkah sedemikian akan ditolak wartawan dan menjejaskan sokongan golongan itu

Extending PPPA to online media? Don’t even think about it, Rocky Bru tells govt

Veteran newsman warns of losing journalistic support over proposed online media controls


China’s rising 17-year-old badminton star, Zhang Zhijie, dead after collapsing on court

He was participating in the ongoing Asian Junior Badminton Championships in Indonesia

Local label Rizman Ruzaini to design Malaysia’s kit for Olympics opening ceremony?

Fashion house has dressed many high-profile figures, including squash icon Datuk Nicol David and top model Naomi Campbell

Poor driver vetting will steer public away from inDrive, says assault victim’s lawyer

Victim has criticised the company’s lack of transparency and slow response, is prepared to take legal action