Isma secretary-general Muhammad ‘Izzat Husman denied claims by certain quarters on the organisation’s alleged links to Aman Palestin, asserting that such accusations have malicious intentions to damage Isma’s credibility.
The trio – Aman Palestin executive director Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman, chief executive officer Awang Suffian Awang Piut and one Khairudin Mohd Ali – pleaded not guilty after the charges were read out to them before judge Datuk Anita Harun at the sessions court here.
Kedua-dua mereka didakwa melakukan kesalahan itu, membabitkan dana sama, atas kapasiti mereka sebagai pengarah Samudra Champa Sdn Bhd yang diamanahkan dengan aset milik Aman Palestin dalam bentuk wang tunai
Aman Palestin Bhd’s executive director Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman and chief executive officer Awang Sufian Awang Piut have pleaded not guilty to all 52 criminal breach of trust charges involving RM20.946 million in funds.