Perak Stadium turf replacement to start in Nov: Ipoh mayor

Youth and Sports Ministry allocates RM200,000 to change cow grass to zeon zoysia, RM300,000 to upgrade drainage with project expected to take three to four months

7:41 PM MYT


IPOH – The work to replace the turf at the Perak Stadium, the official home ground of the Bos Gaurus, is expected to commence in November after the first half of the 2024/25 Malaysia Super League season concludes, says Ipoh Mayor Datuk Rumaizi Baharin. 

He said the project, sponsored by the Youth and Sports Ministry with an allocation of RM500,000, was expected to take three to four months. 

According to him, the project to replace the turf with zeon zoysia grass needed to start in early November to ensure Perak FC could play on the new turf next season. 

“God willing, the turf at Perak Stadium will be upgraded from cow grass to zeon zoysia grass. The replacement work will be carried out alongside upgrading the field’s drainage system. 

“Once the drainage system upgrade is completed, we will proceed to replace the grass that has been in use since 1997,” he said at a press conference after chairing the Ipoh City Council meeting for May 2024 today. 

In January, Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh said her ministry offered RM7 million in grants to improve the quality of fields in stadiums across the country. 

A grant of RM500,000 was offered to each state including the Federal Territory, comprising RM300,000 for works to upgrade the drainage system while another RM200,000 would be spent on planting new grass. 

Rumaizi added that the Perak Stadium would be the third stadium in Malaysia to use the zeon zoysia type grass other than the Sultan Ibrahim Stadium in Johor and Bukit Jalil National Stadium. 

“One of the advantages of using zeon zoysia grass is that we have the opportunity to host international football tournaments because the turf is world-class,” he said. 

Meanwhile, Perak Education, Higher Education, Youth and Sports Committee chairman Khairudin Abu Hanipah, when asked whether Perak FC matches would be held elsewhere, said that the decision would be made in due course. 

“The matter (change of venue for Perak FC matches) would only be decided by Perak FC after discussions with the Malaysian Football League.

“They will carefully consider it to ensure that a final decision is reached and that it proceeds smoothly,” he said. – May 31, 2024



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