KUALA LUMPUR – Could the government be leaning towards rescuing the 2026 Commonwealth Games, with an official announcement expected to be made soon?
It is understood that the government wants a scaled down event that will not cost taxpayers, yet is significant enough to bring economic value to the country.
This is consistent with the Olympic Council of Malaysia’s stand that Kuala Lumpur 2026 should be a scaled down affair.
A scaled-down Commonwealth Games could see Malaysia hosting fewer events or maybe half of the 23 events planned for Victoria.
According to a highly placed source, the Games will cost approximately RM1.3 billion to host.
The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) is already subsidising the event with a £100 million (RM602 million) offer to Malaysia.
“With CGF offering RM602 million to Malaysia for hosting the Games, the government needs to find another RM698 million. However, it is opting to look to the private sector,” the source said.
It has been learned that several companies have been approached to help fund the Games.
“We are discussing the feasibility of being part of this event,” said a senior corporate executive.
Meanwhile, the source said that the government will only agree to host the Games if it is confident that there will be a trickle-down effect that benefits the local economy, such as the hospitality and tourism industries.
“For example, instead of a Games Village, the respective contingents stay at hotels.”
Malaysia last hosted the Commonwealth Games in 1998, where the national contingent finished fourth on the medal table with a total of 36 medals (10 golds, 14 silvers and 12 bronzes).
The government, then under the leadership of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, spent more than RM1.029 billion to host the ‘98 Games.
The total bill amounted to nearly US$5 billion (RM23.4 billion) due to the provision of new roads, railways, land acquisitions and other facilities, which included constructing the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
Australia’s state of Victoria was announced as the host of the 2026 Games in April 2022 but has since withdrawn from its hosting duties last year, citing financial constraints.
However, according to a report, a full-scale Commonwealth Games would have contributed an estimated AU$3 billion (RM9.26 billion) to Victoria’s economy while creating almost 7,000 job opportunities.
It even agreed to an AU$380 million (RM1.17 billion) payout to the CGF for pulling out.
Malaysians have been divided over the government’s intention to consider hosting the Games, with many questioning if the cost far outweighs the economic benefits.
However, another school of thought is that the country could benefit from a global event that could bring significant economic activity.
If the government decides to host the Commonwealth Games in 2026, there will be about 51 countries, including the host, that will participate. – March 19, 2024