David Beckham to appear in Malaysia this February

Football icon to attend World of Predator Exhibition at Plaza The Exchange, TRX on Feb 1

4:15 PM MYT


KUALA LUMPUR – Football icon David Beckham is set to return to Malaysia in two weeks, with a special appearance scheduled at Plaza The Exchange, TRX.

As per an official email from Adidas to its adiClub members, the 48-year-old former footballer will be making an appearance at the World of Predator Exhibition on February 1.

Adidas has announced an exclusive contest for adiClub members, offering them a chance to win a meet-and-greet session with the former Manchester United star. 

To participate, members need to spend RM999 in a single receipt, including purchases of Adidas football apparel or footwear from participating stores, Adidas’ website, or mobile app.

Contest entries will be accepted from January 16 to 21, with the best submissions earning the opportunity to meet Beckham in person.

This upcoming visit in February will mark Beckham’s third trip to the country, following his presence in 2014 for Breitling’s first-anniversary celebration and an event hosted by AIA Malaysia in 2017, where he served as the AIA Global Ambassador at that time. – January 18, 2024



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