Harimau Malaya legend Harun Jusoh dies aged 75 

Former footballer had played in 1972 Munich Olympics

10:00 PM MYT


KUALA TERENGGANU – National football legend Harun Jusoh, who played in the 1972 Munich Olympics, died aged 75 today. 

He died at his home in Kg Che Kundur, Batu Burok, at 4.15pm after being bedridden for the last five years due to arthritis.

His wife Sharifah Azizah Syed Omar, 72, said her late husband developed nerve damage after retiring from football but he could still move around and work. 

However, his condition worsened after being diagnosed with arthritis and he was dependent on a special formula for sustenance. 

“Our four children and I were by his side as he took his last breath. We accept his passing,” she said when contacted. 

Sharifah Azizah said Harun’s remains will be buried at the Atas Gong cemetery in Baru Burok, here tonight. 

Throughout his career, Harun played alongside other national football legends such as the late Datuk Mokhtar Dahari, Datuk Santokh Singh, Datuk Soh Chin Aun, Ali Bakar and R. Arumugam.  – October 24, 2023



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