THE Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) has written to Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa for an explanation concerning a number of issues faced by 1,004 grade UD43 contract doctors who have been notified of their placements upon approval for permanent posts.
MMA had sent the letter on November 9, 2023. However, there has been no response from the Health Ministry (MoH) despite many reminders given to the minister’s office.
According to the latest circular from the MoH’s human resources department dated November 2, 2023, the cohort of UD43 doctors who have been given permanent positions are required to tender their notice of resignation as a UD43 medical officer with effect from December 18, 2023 – the date they have been instructed to report for duty in their new location.
The circular states that this notice of resignation is irrevocable and that any other matters concerning services under contract should not arise after notice is submitted.
MMA is concerned over the following:
1. Reimbursement
Doctors are still not allowed to claim transport and cargo allowance – with the excuse being that they are “between contracts”, when in reality they work throughout the entire duration. Surely semantics and bureaucracy is less important than the welfare of doctors?
2. Recognition of service
The years served as a contract doctor are not recognised for salary grades and promotion. This raises the issue of unfairness as doctors that serve the same total number of years will be paid differently depending on the date of promotion to permanent positions.
The issue of doctors that are the same grade regardless of duration of completion of house officer training is still unsolved (HO becomes MO after two years but pay grade remains the same for the third year). Again the excuse of red tape and bureaucracy is raised.
3. Resignation
The notice of resignation referred to raises a number of concerns. It may have an impact on their existing years of service. An MO needs three years of Sasaran Kerja Tahunan to qualify to apply for study leave and specialist training.
Furthermore, a number of the UD43 medical officers are JPA scholarship sponsored, hence it is hoped that the terms and arrangements for the settlement of their study loans will remain under the existing scheme.
The cohort’s Gantian Cuti Rehat should also be carried forward and continue from December 18 – the date they report for duty as a permanent MO.
4. Rewards
We hope the ministry will also speed up the settlement of the balance contract rewards, which have yet to be expedited by the hospitals they currently serve in, to ensure a smooth handover and transition to their new location.
It is also hoped that all contract doctors in this cohort and in future placement exercises will receive their offer letter stating their basic salary and allowances they are entitled to at least three months before the date they are expected to tender their notice of resignation.
Lastly, a change of workplace, especially when it involves shifting to another state, requires time for planning and financial arrangements to facilitate. For doctors with family commitments, managing care for their dependents can be extremely challenging at short notice.
We, therefore, appeal to the MoH for flexibility in allowing sufficient leave to make the necessary arrangements to relocate. – November 30, 2023
Dr Azizan Abdul Aziz is president of the Malaysian Medical Association, the main representative body for all registered medical practitioners in the country