Palestine Solidarity Week: schools should remain neutral places of learning – interfaith council

Programme may have negative effect on children, who may not understand the Gaza conflict

2:59 PM MYT


THE Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) sympathises with the suffering of the people in Gaza brought about by an armed conflict, but subjecting students to take sides in such a complex situation which even many adults do not understand is definitely not right and counterproductive. 

Schools should remain neutral places for learning and centres of excellence in education. This is a place for promoting moral values, peace and solidarity. 

Children may not understand the conflict amongst nations in Gaza and the programme to show videos of the conflict, death and violence may have a negative effect on them.

The MCCBCHST is concerned with the pain and suffering caused by the war to civilians resulting in deaths. It is even more painful as many innocent civilians, including children and women, have been killed. We do not support the use of violence by either side to the conflict. 

We therefore call for a peaceful resolution to this Israel-Hamas/Palestine conflict and an immediate ceasefire so that food and medical supplies could be delivered to the thousands of displaced civilians in Gaza.

Videos have appeared showing teachers carrying toy rifles in schools before assembled students and mimicking the Palestinian armed conflict. 

Other videos show that some students too carried toy guns and covered their faces in the style of Palestinian fighters. Here, there is a danger that the students may be influenced towards militancy.

We therefore call upon the Education Ministry to review its call to hold the Solidarity with Palestine Week in schools. This may be seen as taking sides and developing into a racial and religious issue. 

Schools should be kept free from global conflicts as these young and impressionable minds are unable to comprehend them. 

We reiterate our call for a peaceful resolution to the Israel-Hamas/Palestinian conflict. – October 30, 2023

This statement by MCCBCHST represents the leaders of non-Muslim faiths in Malaysia. It was signed by its president, Dao Zhang Tan Hoe Chieow of the Federation of Taoist Associations, the Ven. Chuan Yuan of the Malaysian Buddhist Association, Archbishop Julian Leow of the Christian Federation of Malaysia, Sardar Jagir Singh of the Malaysian Gurdwaras Council and Ganesh Babu Rao of the Malaysian Hindu Sangam



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