PKR ensured transparency in selecting candidates for Negri Sembilan: Rafizi

He says process considered gender balance, leadership's goal of rejuvenating party

12:56 PM MYT


SEREMBAN – The selection of PKR candidates for the state election in Negri Sembilan was done transparently and in accordance with the process set by the party, said PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli.

He said it took into consideration the importance of creating opportunities for women, aligning with PKR’s leadership’s goal of rejuvenating the party and promoting gender balance.

“There were three screening stages before the PKR president (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) made the final selection. Even I was not aware of the shortlisted candidates until the official announcement was made.

“Before we had the unity government, PKR could compete for many seats; now we only have six. So, we want to make sure that one-third of the six seats are women candidates. Hence, someone had to withdraw. It is not about who gets it or who doesn’t get it; it’s the party’s decision,” he told reporters at the Madani Tour Programme here last night.

He said this in response to incumbent Ampangan assemblyman Datuk Mohamad Rafie Ab Malek’s statement that he was not nominated as a PKR candidate to represent Pakatan Harapan (PH) to defend the seat on the instructions of Rafizi and state PH chairman Datuk Seri Aminuddin Harun.

Rafizi, who is PKR election director, also denied the claim that Rafie was dropped because of his criticism of Aminuddin’s leadership as menteri besar in the state.

“There are others who have been dropped as well. We need a (gender) quota, or women will not have any seats at all.”

Besides Rafie, also dropped as candidates to represent PH in the state are incumbent Sri Tanjung assemblyman Datuk M. Ravi, incumbent Chuah assemblyman Datuk Michael Yek Diew Ching, and incumbent Pilah assemblyman Mohamad Nazaruddin Sabtu.

They were replaced by new faces, namely Tengku Zamrah Tengku Sulaiman for the Ampangan state seat, Rajasekaran (Sri Tg), Yew Boon Lye (Chuah), and Nur Zunita Begum (Pilah).

The Election Commission has set polling for all six states involved, namely Negri Sembilan, Selangor, Penang, Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah, as well as the  Kuala Terengganu parliamentary by-election, to be held simultaneously on August 12, while early voting is on August 8. – July 30, 2023



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