PUTRAJAYA — The Muzakarah Committee of the National Council for Islamic Affairs (MKI) today ruled that the teachings beliefs Global Ikhwan Services and Business (GISB) Holdings Sdn Bhd are misguided and deviate from the teachings of Islam.
Chairman of the MKI Muzakarah Committee Datuk Dr Nooh Gadut said among the deviant teachings is the company’s practice of “slavery”.
“GISB Holdings practices a wage economy that has an element of slavery where the needs of followers will be fully borne by the company and in return, they are required to serve voluntarily without any wages,” Noor Gadut said in a statement today.
The committee, under the MKI which is Conference of Rulers’ own council on Islamic affairs, had met to deliberate views and arguments on the matter from September 24 to 26.
Nooh Gadut said the committee’s decision on deviancy applied to teachings by GISB Holdings CEO Datuk Nasiruddin Mohd Ali, his followers and any person from the company or organisation.
Other deviant teachings include views that Al-Arqam founder Asaari Muhammad will re-appear with Asy-Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah As-Suhaimi, also known as Sheikh Muhammad Suhaimi, at the end of time.
Another misguided view is that Asaari can intercede for his followers, and that water used to wash his body, hair and beard are blessed, Nooh Gadut added.
“Any person who adheres to, believes in, teaches, spreads, practices or becomes a follower of those teachings, beliefs and beliefs must repent,” he said.
He said the MKI Muzakarah Committee suggested relevant government agencies at the federal and state levels implement the process of “istitabah” (repentance) and provide appropriate allocations or funding for that purpose.
The committee’s decision also means the public must not own, store, sell, upload, download, distribute, distribute, display publish any poster, book, magazine, pamphlet or any other reading material, as well as any
film, audio visual, recording, website, print media or electronic media that contains characteristics of GISBH’s teachings, beliefs and beliefs. – November 14, 2024