KUALA LUMPUR – Covid-19 test results no longer need to be uploaded to the MySejahtera app and will instead be reported by medical practitioners through the eNotifikasi system, said the Health Ministry (MoH), effective July 15.
“Confirmation tests for Covid-19 will now only be conducted using professionally administered rapid test kit antigen (RTK-Ag) or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests.
“Tests are conducted for treatment purposes and not for screening,” it said in a Facebook post today.
The latest Covid-19 management guidelines can be accessed at https://covid-19.moh.gov.my/garis-panduan/garis-panduan-kkm.
eNotifikasi is a system used by the MoH and all health facilities to monitor and notify cases of infectious diseases within the country.
Previously, Health Minister Datuk Seri Dzulkefly Ahmad mentioned that MoH would be issuing detailed revisions to the standard operating procedures (SOPs) related to Covid-19, following the country’s transition to the phase of living with the pandemic. – July 16, 2024