KUALA LUMPUR – Police have released the two university students who were arrested in connection with the attack on the Ulu Tiram police station last Friday.
Johor police chief M. Kumar said they were released yesterday after receiving instructions from the Attorney-General’s Chambers.
The students are a 22-year-old Malay male from a private college and a 21-year-old Malay woman who studies at a training institute, M. Kumar said in a statement today.
They had been investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code, which is for murder, he added.
The students were arrested following the 2.45am attack on suspicion of acting as decoys just prior to the attack.
They had come to the police station to report a molest case that occurred two years ago, minutes before a masked attacker entered the station and killed two policemen and injured another.
M. Kumar said the five family members of the attacker, who was shot dead by police in the attack, are still in police custody as their remand orders expire on May 24.
The family members include the attacker’s father, whom police say is a member of terror group Jemaah Islamiyah (JI).
However, the authorities say the attacker was not a JI member and acted alone. – May 22, 2024