Solar eclipse fever grips North America

Nearly 32 million people will fall within the path of totality, with 150 million more less than 200 miles away

9:10 AM MYT


KUALA LUMPUR – The excitement surrounding the solar eclipse captivated North America on Monday, as a stunning celestial phenomenon provided a unique blend of commercial and scientific prospects, along with an occasion for celebration.

The peak of the moon’s shadow is expected to reach the Pacific coast of Mexico at 11.07am local time (1807 GMT), before swiftly advancing northeastward across a stretch of 15 states in the United States and then into Canada. 

It will exit the continent over Newfoundland approximately an hour and a half later, AFP reported.

“A total solar eclipse is one of the most emotional events one can experience.

“Feel your feels. You’re a part of the universe,” Jane Rigby, the senior project scientist for the Webb space telescope, posted.

This year’s path of totality is 115 miles (185 km) wide and home to nearly 32 million Americans, with an additional 150 million living less than 200 miles from the strip. Those further away can still enjoy a partial eclipse or follow a webcast provided by Nasa.

The next total solar eclipse that can be seen from a large part of North America won’t come around until 2044.

Businesses are capitalising on the excitement with special events, while hotels and short-term rentals in prime viewing locations have been booked solid for months.

At the Stonehenge II Park in Ingram, Texas, a replica of the prehistoric structure in England, eclipse watchers had gathered from across the world.

“This is our third solar eclipse. We’re all praying and hoping that we have a good break in the clouds,” 62-year-old Jim Saltigerald, who was attending with his wife and two children, told AFP.

In Cleveland, where local officials expect some 200,000 visitors, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame plans a four-day “Solarfest” of live music.

And in Russellville, Arkansas, more than 300 couples are reportedly set to exchange vows at “A Total Eclipse of the Heart” mass wedding ceremony with the “thin circle of light around the moon resembling a huge wedding ring in the sky!” the event’s website boasts.

Delta Airlines has planned two special flights along the path, while many schools in the zone are shutting down for the day.

Research firm Perryman Group estimates the direct and indirect economic impacts of this year’s eclipse could reach US$6 billion.

Meanwhile, Nasa plans to launch a trio of sounding rockets before, during, and just after the eclipse to measure changes caused by the sudden darkness in the ionosphere, an upper layer of the atmosphere important for long-distance radio communication.

The eclipse also offers a golden opportunity to study the sun’s corona, the outer layer of its atmosphere, which is normally hidden by the blinding light of the surface.

Startling animal behaviour has been noted during past eclipses: giraffes have been seen galloping, while roosters and crickets can start crowing and chirping.

Nasa has invited the public to contribute to research through its citizen-science project Eclipse Soundscapes by recording the sounds of nature.

In humans, eclipses trigger feelings of awe as we confront our own tiny place within the vast cosmic order, research has revealed. Individuals exhibit more “prosocial” feelings towards each other in the aftermath of the shared experience.

Former president Donald Trump, who notoriously gazed directly at the sun during the 2017 eclipse, attempted to capitalise on the phenomenon by releasing a new campaign ad featuring his larger-than-life head blocking out our star.

Health professionals have stressed, however, not to follow his example, urging people to use certified eclipse glasses to prevent potentially permanent retinal injury.

Only those within the path of totality can safely remove their eye protection and admire the corona peeking out from behind the silhouette of the moon for a few precious moments. – April 9, 2024




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