Mahathir’s statement on non-Malays ‘extremist, racist, dangerous’, says Guan Eng

Former prime minister told a Chennai-based news channel that Malaysian Indians and Chinese are not completely loyal

2:36 PM MYT


KUALA LUMPUR – Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is walking a dangerous line of extremism and racism in a desperate attempt to regain support, said DAP national chairman Lim Guan Eng, in response to the former prime minister’s recent racial remarks against the Indian community.

“It is clear that this is politically motivated because of his failure to win over the support of Malaysians. He has now taken an extremist, racist, and dangerous line to win support. This tactic will only harm harmony and the unity of the people.

“That’s why we should unite to reject such extremist and racist politics,” Lim said during a press conference today.

Dr Mahathir recently told Chennai-based satellite television channel Thanthi TV that Malaysian Indians and Chinese are not completely loyal to the country as they identify themselves with their respective countries of origin.

Lim said such remarks not only offend the sensibilities of Malaysian Indians but other races, including Malays, as well.

“To question the loyalty of Indians to Malaysia, it is unacceptable because we know of the sacrifices made by the community. Not only their blood and sweat but also gave their lives in the line of duty.

“Why is this sacrifice and contribution not recognised? Just because of the colour of their skin, or just because they are not Malay?

“How about the Kadazan, Dusun, and Murud in Sabah and Dayak, Iban, and Melanau in Sarawak? You (Dr Mahathir) are also denying their rights in this country.”

The DAP man also took the opportunity to slam Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang, saying the PAS president is known for blaming non-Malays and non-Bumiputeras for corruption.

“Both are discriminating against the non-Malays, blaming them for everything,” said Lim. – January 14, 2024



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