PM lauds MACC, police for firm action on ‘immune’ individuals, regardless of rank

He says this shows nation is committed to fight corruption without fear or favour

3:13 PM MYT


PUTRAJAYA – Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has expressed his appreciation to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Royal Malaysia Police for their firmness and courage in taking action regardless of the rank and status of the individuals implicated. 

The prime minister said this indirectly shows the country’s commitment to good governance and efforts to combat corruption and the drug issue by ensuring that no dignitaries, “sharks” or “small fish” involved in drugs would escape investigation and action by the authorities. 

“Alhamdulillah, we have shown the kind of determination seldom seen in other countries, what more developing nations. The authorities have acted against personalities considered immune from any form of investigation and action. 

“If you steal national funds and rob the country of its wealth – whether you are the prime minister, finance minister, (or others) – remember, we have to act firmly to save the country,” he said. 

He said this when launching the Central Database Hub (Padu) system, which contains profiles of individuals and households, including citizens and permanent residents in Malaysia, at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) here today. – January 2, 2024




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