JAIS never banned schools from reciting Qunut Nazilah for Palestine

Official says dept issued circular urging mosques, surau to perform solat hajat, recite prayer

8:52 PM MYT


SHAH ALAM – The Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) has never issued any directives or circulars prohibiting its schools from reciting the Qunut Nazilah (a supplication for Allah’s protection from harm) for the Palestinian people to defend their homeland. 

State Islamic Religion and Innovation Culture executive councillor Mohammad Fahmi Ngah said JAIS also never received any instructions from the Education Ministry regarding the ban on reciting Qunut Nazilah. 

“Avoid giving rise to prejudices and unsettling and divisive attempts. Muslims and non-Muslims need to be united in the name of humanity to help the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza, in the atrocities caused by the brutality of Israel’s Zionist apartheid regime,” he said. 

He said this when winding up the state’s Supply Bill 2024 at the state assembly sitting, today. 

Fahmi added that JAIS has also issued an official circular calling on all mosques and surau statewide to perform the solat hajat and recite Qunut Nazillah at the end of the Maghrib and Ishak prayers since October 26. 

He also welcomed the proposal of Pua Pei Ling (Bukit Lanjan-PKR) who suggested that all 56 members of the Selangor state assembly contribute RM5,000 to the Palestinian humanitarian fund proposed to be set up to help victims in Gaza. 

“We welcomed the proposed donation to Palestine by Yang Berhormat Bukit Lanjan yesterday and the amount of the donation is channelled to the official fund (under JAIS) which is Tabung Infaq Jariah Umat Islam Selangor. Insya-Allah (it will) reach Palestine,” he said. – November 17, 2023



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