Anwar calls on tech companies to play crucial role in curbing rising misinformation

PM reminds audience at University of California of burgeoning crisis involving false information

10:24 AM MYT


SAN FRANCISCO – Harmful misinformation and falsehoods are a burgeoning crisis that is reaching a tipping point, signalling an impending need for government intervention and international cooperation to rein in the chaos, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. 

He called on technology companies, especially those that have flourished in the fertile ground of Silicon Valley, to carry the crucial responsibility of custodians of modern communication. 

“They are tasked with implementing policies that counter misinformation and disinformation while upholding the right to free speech,” he said at a special lecture entitled Super Power Rivalry and Rising Tensions in the Asia Pacific, at the University of California here yesterday.

The San Francisco Bay Area is home to many of the biggest Fortune 500 companies in the world, such as Tesla, Uber, Salesforce, Pixar, Netflix, Lucasfilm Ltd, Levi Strauss, and some of the most innovative firms in AI development, biotech, software, clean technology, and social media. 

Anwar, who is here to attend the 30th Apec Economic Leaders’ Meeting, said it is essential to implement advanced technological solutions and robust human content moderation grounded in local contexts.  

“These measures and a commitment to transparency and accountability are vital for these platforms to serve as conduits for constructive dialogue rather than channels for deceit and manipulation. 

“As we confront these unprecedented challenges, let us approach them as a clarion call to fortify and rejuvenate our democratic institutions for the digital era,” he said in the public lecture that was attended by more than 250 students. 

Anwar added that this is the moment to forge stronger partnerships and capitalise on innovations that can safeguard our societies and the fabric of our collective lives. 

“Democracy, despite its flaws, remains our best hope, and its endurance depends on our collective vigilance and continuous improvement, echoing the dedication of those who came before us,” he said. – November 15, 2023



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