Not your father’s money: Anwar chastises civil servants for wasteful spending

PM warns against treating electricity as if it were free, encourages culture of frugality within govt

11:35 AM MYT


PUTRAJAYA – One should not be wasting electricity at the office like it is being paid for by our fathers, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in his message on wastage during his October meeting at the Prime Minister’s Department here.

He also reprimanded wasting pens, saying, “Five for department heads, 10 for secretary-generals, chief secretary gets 12, 15 for ministers, and 20 for prime ministers.”

“Wastage is not only about the big-ticket items. This kind of practice means we have to improve the allocation and use of public funds.

“This will inculcate a culture of being thrifty in the civil service as well as using those savings to benefit the people.”

He added that this has been told to the government’s chief secretary.

“When I was finance minister in Jalan Duta, I remember we were gathering outside and we saw that the building lights were still on. I then asked the head of the department to go and turn off the lights.

“It’s not your money; it’s public funds, and (on this) the head of audit agrees with me 100%.”

On a separate matter, Anwar said the early incentive payment of RM2,000 for civil servants in Grade 56 and below, as announced in Budget 2024, is a recognition of the civil service, pending a review of the Public Service Remuneration System (SSPA).

The SSPA review is expected to be completed by mid of next year.

“It is not unreasonable to expect better performance and higher productivity, but not without an increase in the wage rate.

“If we look at a study of the data by the Statistics Department, there is an increase in productivity but a moderate wage increase. There is no encouragement.”

He also advised that the private sector would revise its wage rate and take into account current economic factors.

“There have been complaints that some companies make RM400 million a year but fail to increase the wages of their employees.”

During the budget tabling last Friday, Anwar announced an early incentive payment of RM2,000 for civil servants in Grade 56 and below as well as contract staffers.

He also allocated RM1,000 for all in the Jawatan Utama Sektor Awam grade, which includes the police, fire and rescue, armed forces, and all uniformed personnel. This also applies to all civil service retirees.

The salary and allowance scheme for the civil service was last reviewed in 2012. – October 16, 2023




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