253 bullying cases reported in survey of doctors: MMA

Victims more likely not to file a complaint out of fear or uncertainty on process, survey also finds

1:53 PM MYT


KUALA LUMPUR – A total of 253 bullying cases have been reported in a survey of 728 Malaysian doctors who are in the public and private healthcare sector, said the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA). 

Of the bullying cases, 197 did not specify their location, while 15 were in Sarawak, nine in Selangor and eight in Perak. Sabah and Melaka have no confirmed cases of bullying according to the survey.

“Bullying also affects doctors in all ranks with 168 medical officers affected while 50% of house officers and specialists who participated in the survey reported the same.

“The survey also found that 60% of junior doctors (not more than two years experience) work overtime everyday, while only 20% of doctors beyond two years’ experience work overtime everyday. 

“Another 30-40% still work overtime at least three times a week. Some 35% of doctors work overtime 1-2 times per week, 32% work overtime 3-4 times per week, 24% everyday and 9% never,” said MMA in a statement today.

The survey also found that victims are more likely not to file a complaint out of fear or are unsure how to go about it.

Of those surveyed, 476 were medical officers, 207 were specialists or consultants and 46 were house officers.

The group has urged the Health Ministry to take urgent proactive measures to improve the work culture at all government healthcare facilities as the resignation rate among Malaysian contract doctors rose 1,131% between 2017 and 2022.

The survey was conducted, between September 15 and October 1, by the MMA’s Section Concerning House Officers Medical Officers and Specialists and its Junior Doctor Network.

Those who have been bullied can contact MMA’s HelpDoc helpline at [email protected] or the Health Ministry’s MyHelp complaint reporting system. – October 15, 2023



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